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Montessori Method
"Education is a natural process carried out by the child, and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment."
Maria Montessori
The Montessori Method was developed in the early 20th century by Dr. Maria Montessori. While most maintstream schools have now adopted the Montessori ethos into everyday practice, the comprehensive approach is characterized by the following areas working in harmony to facilitate holistic development in each individual child.
![]() Consistency & OrderWe keep the routine and rhythm of each day predictable and consistent. When children know what to expect, they feel safe and in control of themselves. We provide opportunities to “put things in order” with sorting, pairing and matching activities. | ![]() Knowledge of the WorldThis is where children's interests and aptitudes provide endless possibilities for learning. From following snail trails in our allotment garden to exploring the solar system; we follow each child and encourage self-discovery with bespoke hands on activities. | ![]() Practical LifeYoung children love to do things "all by myself!" We practice pouring, cooking, threading, and dressing - all to facilitate each child's desire to be independent. This area also allows children to strengthen fine-motor control and improve concentration. |
![]() Language & LiteracyPre-literacy activities are introduced gradually and as a natural extension to a child's desire to communicate. Reading stories is part of the daily routine. Rhyming, singing and games such as "I spy" prime the child's ear to recognize the phonic sounds that make up language. | ![]() SensorialSensorial materials encourage children to taste, touch, smell, listen and look to refine their senses. Children learn to sort and compare by shape and dimension. The adult provides descriptive words to link language and understanding to these early experiences. | ![]() Freedom of MovementChildhood is the time to master skills like running, hopping, balancing and overall coordination of movement. We take time to practise these skills with indoor activities like dance and yoga alongside daily excursions to run and play at our local park. |
![]() Maths & NumbersChildren are introduced to maths naturally: tracking the days of the month and their own ages. Children become familiar and comfortable with numbers and enjoy the hands on aspects of the Montessori materials. | ![]() Imagination & CreativityChildren's creativity is cultivated using a multitude of activities and mediums. Opportunities for arts & crafts, music and role-play expand upon children's self expression, allowing them to develop emotionally and socially. |
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